R&D partners

Test and approve new products

LNE is the French national metrology and testing laboratory. It has been placed under the trusteeship of the French Ministry for the Economy and Finance with oversight for Industry. Relying on an excellent scientific and technical skill set, LNE’s research efforts have formed the basis of multiple applications: calibration, testing, certification, etc. Renowned for its expertise both in France and abroad, LNE performs measurements that serve the economy and society.

Since 1997, LNE’s mission has been defined by an objectives-based contract renewed every four years with the French government. Its main missions are:

– Assume its status of a national reference laboratory, dedicated to industry, in the field of metrology;

– Pursue its scientific and technical development to anticipate new needs in the realm of measurements and testing related to technological progress, as well as latest expectations in the fields of safety, health, quality and environmental protection;

– Provide technical assistance to public sector authorities and economic actors in the drafting of new regulations and standards at the international, European and national levels, as well as in the generation of new test methods and in market tracking.

Designing and developping tomorrow’s solutions

ONERA, the French national office for aerospace studies and researches, is in charge of developing and guiding research activities in the aerospace field. Among its’ core missions:

– Designing, developing and deploying the resources required to conduct this research

– Disseminating, in collaboration with the authorities or organisations responsible for scientific and technical research

– Promoting their use by the aerospace industry and where appropriate (Defence & Security fields)

Exavision has been involved in several ONERA’s studies and researches relates to aerospace industry. In 2015, The consortium led by ONERA selected was selected by the ANR, the French national research agency, for the anti-drone fight.

The ANGELAS project, a global analysis and evaluation of technologies and methods

for the fight against UAV threat, coordinated by ONERA with six industrial partners and academic was a great achievement. Few months later, an industrial integrated solution was born and a first contract was signed to equip Paris CDG International airport.

Developping state-of-the-art nuclear plants protection solutions

The CEA, the French Atomic Energy Commission, is a key player in technological in research, development and innovation, the CEA operates in four areas: defense and security, low-carbon energies (nuclear and renewable), technological research for industry and fundamental research.

As an operator of basic nuclear installations, the CEA places safety and security at the heart of its priorities. Hence, yearly studies and experiments are lead in coordination with large industrial groups and SMEs to enhance technology and implement more efficient procedures.

Historically speaking, Exavision has been one of the very few suppliers of nuclear plants security solutions provider since 1990.